Grace: unbounded in life complexity

The enlightenment of the day brings forth its own issues.

Therein are also various forms or levels of choices to make.

Wherein our values guide us to tap into the opportunities it presents.

Herein lead to growth in life – both inner and outer.

Thereover humility and pride call in to take the seat of glory.

Whereover one leads to favour and the other to destruction.

Hereinto peace or conflict in life abound.

Inasmuch as the Grace of God is renewed upon us everyday, we are to live gratefully; and through love, encouraging one another to tap into this divine source of peace.

Moral Story: Anchor of Life at a Glance

Stories are great to connecting dots. As Steve Jobs puts it, we can’t connect the dots looking forward; we can only connect them looking backwards. Connecting the dots in this context actually means understanding the relationship between the different ideas one has been exposed to or the experiences one has been through. In a simple terms, something needs to be connected to something else. Therefore, it’s apparently not possible to connect oneself to himself or herself. Continue reading “Moral Story: Anchor of Life at a Glance”

Moral Story: Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog

Stories are great for connecting or bringing ideas – abstracts – to something meaningful in reality. In other words, they are effective in explaining and understanding ‘complex’ issues. Although not all stories are real, example fictions and fables, but they are powerful to simplifying concepts. The story below is from the Aesop Fables. It is a moral story which basically concludes that the blessings from acts of kindness are beyond tangible or material things, and thus we may not physically see but we enjoy them proportionally throughout our lives. Continue reading “Moral Story: Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog”

Life Note: Living By Faith

LiveByFaithLiving by faith is really important for humanity, a foundation for the actions we take in life. Hebrews 11 gives an account of great people of God in the old testament, even including ordinary people, that through their faith, they and their future generations received a great reward from God Almighty. This chapter is indeed a lengthy one concerning the merits of living by faith. There are 40 verses, and 37 of them offer examples from the creation Continue reading “Life Note: Living By Faith”

Life Note: The Way of Love

One of the greatest message in the Holy Bible says we don’t owe anything towards anyone, but to love one another. In 1 Corinthians 13, we are taught the most excellent way of LOVE. Some believe love is complicated, although beautiful. In my opinion, the beauty of anything to the beholder is perhaps not that complicated. Therefore I think the word, complicated, is sometimes misinterpreted and classified in that context as something dubious, unpleasant or unstable instead of something which is difficult to analyse or understand. Continue reading “Life Note: The Way of Love”